Embrace Niagara Fall’s Nature

WhirlpoolWideAngle1Beyond the adventure and shopping, Niagara Falls has hundreds of acres of beautiful natural scenery surrounding the area. If you want something different to do this month and love nature then check out these three events coming to Niagara Falls.

Solar Viewing Event

On May 17 you can visit the Niagara Centre outside of the Niagara Glen Nature Centre and watch incredible sunspots and solar flares in person. Through a telescope, take a closer look and learn about the solar system and what is happening far, far above Niagara Falls.

Spring in the Glen

The Niagara Glen is offering free guided tours led by park naturalists that will get you fascinated by the scenery surrounding Niagara Falls. Get some comfortable shoes and get to learning about the trails and forests that surround us.

The Niagara Escarpment

Ever wondered about the Niagara Escarpment? Dr. Brian Pihack will be taking you through an educational exploration of this very important geographic feature of the region. Learn about the origin of this natural phenomenon found in Niagara Falls with this informational trip that will take you 400 million years back before human existence. If you didn’t know what the Niagara Escarpment is, or always wanted to find out more about it, this is the perfect chance to learn a little bit about the geography of the Niagara Region.

These three events will be full of interesting educational information that will leave you intrigued and captivated by the natural scenery of Niagara Falls.