Fallsview Grand Buffet

Indulge in the delicious flavours of Niagara’s #1 Buffet Brunch and Dinner, at Fallsview Grand Buffet. Home to an endless 80 foot buffet of delectable options, guests feast on Niagara’s largest selection of dishes which is enhanced by live action cooking stations. Located on the Fallsview Dining Level of the Sheraton Fallsview, the Fallsview Grand Buffet offers the perfect combination of Fallsviews and world-class cuisine. Look no further for a brunch or dinner experience that blends delicious dining and the best view of Niagara Falls guaranteed.

  • Fallsview Grand Buffet at Sheraton Fallsview

    Fallsview Grand Buffet at Sheraton Fallsview

  • Fallsview Grand Buffet

    Fallsview Grand Buffet

  • Fallsview Grand Buffet Live Action Station

    Fallsview Grand Buffet Live Action Station

  • Fallsview Grand Buffet Made To Order Station

    Fallsview Grand Buffet Made To Order Station

  • Carving Station at Fallsview Grand Buffet

    Carving Station at Fallsview Grand Buffet

  • Fallsview Grand Buffet Dessert Selections

    Fallsview Grand Buffet Dessert Selections


Fallsview Grand Buffet

Enjoy delicious dining, live action stations and a one of a kind backdrop that should be experienced by all visitors to Niagara Falls.

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TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

4.0 out of 5 4.0 out of 5 with 1550 reviews


Fallsview Dining Level
5875 Falls Avenue
Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 3K7


